Thank you for your invaluable help

Thank you for your invaluable help

gran-via-968932_960_720“Thank you for your invaluable help”. This is the best message we can receive from a client after finding the house she was looking for.

Reading a message like this is like receiving an extra load of energy to continue with new searches. No matter how hard is finding that house you are now looking for, no matter that everything you see on the internet doesn’t match the search criteria, no matter that all the real estate agents say that the search is difficult, no matter that visit upon visit the property doesn’t seem worthwhile. All that doesn’t matter. Somehow the house that is interesting and that we can show our customers is bound to appear.

And,  when we show a house that we have selected after discarding many others it doesn’t matter if they don’t buy the first house they see, that would be a miracle. They surely appreciate that each of the selected houses fits their criteria, their needs and their lifestyle. The client knows that the perfect house does not exist, that you always have to give up some of the requirements and probably, in turn, have other advantages.

It doesn’t matter that upon seeing a house that seems perfect doubts arise about the possibilities of reforms, the help of good professionals  makes it easier to study different solutions and evaluate various budgets.

When we have already selected the house that we would like to buy but the price is slightly over our budget we like to negotiate in your name. And to move forward in the buying process we do some research, we do this well and we like it. Why is the owner selling? Are there any burdens on the building? What is the community of owners like? Any conflictive neighbours or issues? What happens in the neighbourhood at different days of the week or times of the day? We ask, we explore, we find out.

And we close a deal. Perfect, we’re almost there. We still have to read many documents, negotiate the mortgage, check the deeds, register and pay the taxes. We keep on helping you with whatever you need.

The house will probably need some type of reform, in which case we can advise you, suggest different solutions and help you assess the different proposals.

Incidentals may appear during all the process of buying your house until you move in, we’ll try to be close. Because what we like the most is to be told at the end  “I don’t know what we would have done without you. Thank you”

Thank you for counting on us to find you a house as a living place or as an investment.

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